Viking Heroes Collector's Edition

Viking Heroes Collector's Edition spel hämtning för pc

( 3.5 / 5 ) -

This game is English only.The forces of evil don't stand a chance when the heroic Viking family embarks on an epic quest to save Midgard! Scale new heights of adventure as brothers Everand and Boromere and sisters Helga and Brunnhilde band together for the first time to pursue an evil sorcerer who has unleashed a flurry of devastating storms on Midgard! [103]

Viking Heroes Collector's Edition:
  • A captivating story of adventure
  • 42 achievements to earn
  • Dozens of nail-biting levels
  • The Collector’s Edition includes 16 additional levels, more achievements, step-by-step strategy guide, downloadable soundtrack, wallpapers and 21 collectable owls!
  • Viking Brothers VI Collector's Edition

(Klicka på en bild för att förstora den)
Skärmbild från Viking Heroes Collector's Edition Skärmbild från Viking Heroes Collector's Edition Skärmbild från Viking Heroes Collector's Edition

Viking Heroes Collector's Edition

(223 MB)
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OS: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
CPU: 2.0 GHz
BigAntGames garanti:
  • Kvalitetstestat och virusfritt.
  • Ingen reklam, ingen annonsprogramvara och inga spionprogram.
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